Dial Down Your Pain – Movement and Mindset Course

For people living with physical or emotional pain who find most exercise classes too strong. 

If you’re experiencing pain linked to physical injury or emotions that show up physically in your body, these classes will help you find ways to release tension and relax.

The right kind of motion is lotion for both physical and emotional pain. Gentle movements soothe pain and help you build a feeling of trust and safety in your body.

Dial Down Your Pain movement class

Choose which class suits you - lying or seated exercise

These short courses will give you the confidence to move more, release tension and ease pain.

  • Clear guided gentle movements (either lying or seated)
  • Release tension in your body
  • Soothe pain by lubricating areas
  • Remind your body how to relax
  • Reduce fear of moving

Pain Specialist, Beth Cox, will offer guided movements and will explain what is happening in your body helping you to build confidence and reduce fear around moving more.

The class will be a mixture of movement, relaxation and guided mindset practices to help you dial down your pain.

Free introductory sessions recordings available

I wasn’t sure about coming to the movement class as my arm was really painful, but I’m glad I did. I felt so much better after doing gentle movements. At the end of the lesson my whole body felt more relaxed.

Leila V, DDYP group class

Lying classes

Thurs 11:45- 12:45
(in person and online)

click below for course dates

Seated classes

Thurs 13:00- 13:50
(in person and online)

click below for course dates

Chair yoga

These are short courses being held at The Swansea Wellbeing Centre as well as online. Each session forms part of the course but it’s okay if you’re unable to make all of them.

Why I’m offering this movement group

I’ve had back issue for more than twenty years, linked to a car accident and physical bracing patterns I learnt as a child, that helped me to feel safe.

At times my back was so bad that my legs gave way from under me.  The pain worn me down, I was unable to do things I loved. 

My world began to shrink, I became less active and found myself avoiding seeing friends and going out.  It felt like my pain was all consuming.  I tried lots of different types of exercise, that I was told would help, but I often left classes feeling a lot worse for a long time after, and lost, unsure what else to try. I couldn’t seem to find the right level of class for me and I tried to do what everyone else was doing around me.

That was until I was taught by a yoga therapist, on my own initially but then I had enough confidence to join a group class.

Beth Cox

The class was great but I couldn’t do all the moves and I’d sometimes leave feeling frustrated, mostly because I would push my body too far. I gradually discovered that this was doing more harm than good. 

I’ve since realised that what my body was craving were ways to release tension, to find ease and be able to relax.  In the early days I didn’t need to stretch or strengthen my body, I needed to build trust and reduce the fear that I might be doing more harm than good. Over time I became less fearful of movement and was able to build back strength and mobility.

It’s surprising how really small subtle movements can make a big difference to the amount of tension I feel in my body.

Jim C, DDYP group class

A lot of people come to the group class not knowing what to expect or how they’ll find the sessions.  That’s why I offer a free introductory session. 

You can experience an introductory session for yourself to see if it’d suit you.

Along with the movement, I explain a bit more about pain, and how we can re-wire our body to respond differently. I explain how our nervous system has a big effect on our experience of pain and offer some mindset tools to help you manage thoughts, feelings, emotions and anxieties around pain.

I find that combining both movements and changing your thoughts and feelings around pain worked best for easing tension in your body.  When you are less fearful of movement you’ll find you’ve got more energy and motivation to investigate what else could help.

It felt like a rod had been removed from my shoulders, I didn’t expect this feeling to last, but it has, even weeks later I still felt this release.

Val L, DDYP group class

Movement and Mindset Courses

Intro session – recordings

First session free

Click the button below for future dates


These groups are accessible to all

We’ll be either lying on the floor with cushions and bolsters
or sitting in chairs.
There are 2 steps to get into the room we’re in for the seated class.

If you’re joining us online you’ll need to be able to access Zoom.

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