Flare-up First Aid Kit

Pain Flare-up First Aid Kit

The image below summarises nine different techniques that have helped me and the people I work with to dial down their pain during a flare-up.

You might have effective ways to manage a flare-up.  So start there.  Add these to a list that you can refer to on the really rough days.  Make sure the list is easy to find and easy to follow.

What currently works well for you?
Can you make time to do these things?

Once you’ve done an audit of your existing tools, read the whole list below and then pick one or two techniques that you’re drawn to. Try adding these to your own flare-up first aid kit to use alongside any medical treatment. 

You’ll find more details on each technique in the flare-up first aid kit download – available towards the bottom of this page.

It’s equally important to find ways to rest and relax as well as finding appropriate movements.  Too much or too little movement often doesn’t help when we’re in a flare-up. Sometimes even small movements can be helpful to release tension from your body. 

When you’ve got a few more techniques in place you might like to revisit the list of nine techniques and add a couple more resources.  This will help you to get through days when it’s tricky to think of new ideas.

The idea of a first aid kit is that it’s restocked so when we need it. We don’t want to open the box and find we’ve run out of plasters.  A good time to restock your first aid kit with unfamiliar techniques might be between flare-ups rather than during one.

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flare-up first aid kit 9 steps
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