Dial Down Your Pain – Individual Sessions

Dial up your life with personalised guidance designed just for you.

Pain management plan

Through individual sessions, I offer practical ways to help you to change how you move, think and feel.

You’ll receive:-

  • Gentle techniques to move your body, helping to release tension and improve mobility.
  • Clear explanations of pain science to help you understand your experiences.
  • Tools to change your brain’s danger signals, creating feelings of safety.
  • Help with pacing and setting achievable goals.
  • Compassionate support and accountability.

Sessions are either movement-based or discussion-based. You’ll take away physical exercises or other practical tools to help you reduce exhaustion and stress, challenge unhelpful thoughts and commit to making changes.

Pain can be so consuming that we can’t see the wood for the trees.
We often don’t know what will be the best approach for us.

If you’re anything like I was, you’ve done extensive research on how to manage persistent pain, leaving you unsure where to start. You’ve likely encountered numerous tools claiming to be the solution, but too much information can be overwhelming, leaving you no closer to getting rid of your pain.

We often begin with good intentions, but life gets in the way of us sticking to a complex plan of action that’s asking us to turn our whole life upside down.

When I offer support, I aim to establish a baseline of your current situation and build from there. We don’t start with complex movements or ideas that might add to your feelings of overwhelm. I introduce one or two changes at a time and focus on helping you to stick with them until they become a habits. It’s not the fastest approach, but as they say, slow and steady wins the race. Once these changes become part of your daily routine, they are much easier to maintain.

When we explore ideas, I’m guided by your questions and the areas where you’re seeking clarity. I can translate complex concepts into understandable information without getting lost in technical jargon.

I am able to do all this because I’ve lived with persistent pain for over 20 years. Many of us go through a similar journey, searching for a quick and easy fix. Unfortunately, there isn’t one. However, by following a clear, multi-layered approach that addresses all aspects contributing to pain, we can gradually dial down our pain and lead a more active, fulfilling life.

It’s exhausting searching on your own for tools that may help.  By working together I can guide you on which actions are most likely give you the best results. We’ll find the right approach for you based on your unique circumstances. It will take time, and while the changes may be small, they build up and motivate you, encouraging you that you’re heading in the right direction.

I came into the session with my pain feeling like an 8-9 out of 10 after the visual exercise Beth talked us through it dropped to more like a 2-3

Sarah F, 1:1 client

If you prefer to chat about how 1:1 sessions work book a call…

Or you might prefer to read a bit more…

I know as well as anyone how frustrating chronic pain can be.  When I was looking for a cure for my pain, I tried so many different therapies but if I found any relief, it was only short-lived.

It was a nightmare pain came back. I was so frightened of doing anything that might make the pain worse, my whole body was knotted with tension.

That was until I realised that trying to conquer my pain wasn’t going to work, it just led to even more frustration and pain.

It wasn’t until I started to understand the science of pain, that I could trust that doing the right kind of activity would help reduce the pain.

As I became more active, some of the tension began to ease. It was so relieving to find ways to move that didn’t make the pain worse.

Beth Cox
Trusting your body

When I wasn’t as consumed by the pain, I could see how my thoughts and feelings were intertwined with the physical symptoms.  I could change some unhelpful thought patterns by talking things through with a coach.  These helped me to reduce my stress levels and fear of the pain.

I believe the key to dialling down pain is to work with both our body and mind to build trust in what we can do.  This creates a positive feedback loop.  Rather than being immobilised with fear of making things worse, which increased my pain, creating a negative feedback loop.

Working one to one gave me a chance to identify the key issues that were holding me back.  Movement sessions helped me to regaining trust in my body, as the stretching exercises were set at just the right level for me and were adapted as I became stronger and more mobile.

Beth has made me feel a lot less fearful of doing movements that I used to avoid in case I’d do myself harm. I’ve been able to gradually walk further and trust I’m not going to make things worse if I pace myself. 

Carolyn H, 1:1 client

Web of Pain

So many people living with chronic pain are unconsciously making their situation worse. They don’t realise how much tension they’re holding in their body from the fear of being in more pain.

As we become more fearful of pain we move less and it becomes even harder to be active.

We get caught in a web of chronic pain. 

Our body finds ways to adapt that aren’t helpful.  When we’re less active it affects how we feel mentally.
It’s a negative spiral.

Web of chronic pain

I found ways to break free of this web myself and have helped many other people to free themselves from this web.

I’ve learnt that there isn’t one solution that fits all. I have gathered a variety of tools that can be applied to different circumstances to help you to return to an active and fulfilling life.

Working one to one gives us the time and space to find the best approach for you to break free of this web.
Working together we can gradually reverse this spiral, at a pace that suits you.

Often the changes are small and simple but have a significant impact on helping you to manage pain.

My body feels so much better from doing the right kind of movements, I used to push my body thinking I was doing it good. I now know to listen to my body and I no longer push through pain.

Greg J, 1:1 client

Changes I’ve witnessed.

It’s so rewarding to see so many of the people I work with get back to living an active life.

When I first meet people, their movement can be jarred and awkward, it can appear as if they’re walking on eggshells. Over time the physical appearance of their body changes, there’s a lot less tension in the way they hold themselves and move.


You can visibly see how their trust in their body has grown.

When I first came to see Beth I was suffering from an average of 12 migraines a month.

Since I’ve been following the physical practice Beth designed for me the number of migraines I get has reduced by 75%.  I now only take a quarter of the medication I used to need.

Helen D, 1:1 client

Expected improvements from a course of individual sessions

  • reduction in intensity of pain
  • reduction in frequency of flare-ups
  • reduction in tension in the body
  • increase mobility
  • increase strength
  • increase activity levels
  • increase in energy levels
  • ability to do simple tasks more easily
  • improved mood
  • decrease in pain related stress
  • improved mental resilience to pain sensations
  • greater trust in the body
Yoga Therapy
Pain management plan

Format of sessions

When we begin individual sessions, we’ll explore specific aspects of what is helping you to move you forward and what might be holding you back.

We do this through a variety of modalities including conversations, mindfulness practices or exploring gentle stretches.

Sessions can take place online or in-person.

Why are one to one sessions so effective?

  • Working with a personalised movement practice consistently leads to reductions in tension, and improvements in strength and mobility. I’ve witnessed faster and longer lasting changes for 1:1 clients, compared to people I teach in a general exercise class.
  • The sessions are one hour but you take away a programme of actions that you can follow on you own throughout the week.  I give you the tools and advice for you to do the work.
  • 1:1 sessions are an investment that pays off in so many ways:- reduction in pain, increase in activity, improved mood and relationships.
Beth Cox Yoga Therapist

In a one-to-one session, Beth looked at what my body needed and showed me how to use movement to strengthen my joints. She teaches with a combination of gentle understanding and discerning insight and looks at how she can best help you to integrate a daily practice into your life in a realistic, manageable way. I found the sessions energising and rejuvenating.

Hilary W, 1:1 client

Before you begin individual sessions.

I’d always recommend booking a free consultation (online or in-person) before deciding if you’d like to work with me.  This gives us a chance to get to know each other and to see if what I’m offering will suit you.  We can explore and discuss what types of sessions would be best to start with and how these may progress.

We’ll explore the following options:
movement therapy, I can assess your starting point and discuss what types of stretches would be best for you.
pain management, we can explore the science behind your experiences and try different tools that help to re-wire pathways affecting pain sensations. We can discuss pacing and setting goals and how to ensure changes stick.

If you then decide to book sessions, we’ll have an idea of what to focus on first.  I would initially recommend a course of 6 sessions taking place every 2-3 weeks over 3-4 months.

Book a free
30-minute consultation to discuss your specific situation

Beth Cox yoga therapy

Appointments available

at £60 an hour

Your Commitment

This isn’t a quick fix. You will experience slow and steady changes that will stick.

In order for the programme to work I suggest that you to commit to:

  • A minimum of 6 one to one sessions over 3-4 months.
  • If given a movement practice you’ll follow it at home on your own at home as outlined (e.g. 10-25 min 4-6 x a week)
  • 3 daily self check-ins where you take a moment out of your day to pause, reflect and reset your posture, thoughts and stress level (2-5 min 3 x day).
  • Follow nervous system regulation practices (1-2 min daily) 
  • Writing notes of any observations and reflections you may like to bring to future sessions.
Positive change

One to one sessions are designed for people with persistent pain who:-

  • want to be proactive in dialling down their pain and who are open to discussing and changing their situation.
  • feel lost and overwhelmed by all the different things they think they should be doing to get better.
  • notice that their pain gets worse when they’re stressed and are looking for ways to manage their stress levels.
  • have got a curious mindset and want to experiment with different ways of managing pain.
  • are looking for some accountability and motivational support to help them to make time to do the work.
  • like having a structured plan that we design together with clear and simple instructions.

 This isn’t a fit if you:-

  • want daily contact from me in order to stay motivated.
  • are unable to commit to setting aside a minimum of 3 hours each week to follow your programme between sessions.
  • would struggle to take a minimum of 3, 5-minutes breaks each day for self-reflection / mindfulness.
  • believe that surgery and / or medication are the only answers to help you manage your pain.  (This method would work alongside current treatment plans).
  • believe in no pain no gain.
  • are looking for someone else to cure your pain.
Not the right fit

all options are available in person or online

30-minute Free Consultation

Assessment of your current situation and suggestion of most suitable 1:1 package 

Free 30-minute consultation to chat about your personal circumstances.

This brief chat will help me explain how I work, and find out more about your situation.  We can then discuss options if it feels right for us to work together.

During the consultation I’ll ask you to do some simple movements to see where we’re starting from.  This helps me to design appropriate stretches to begin with.

1:1 sessions




Pay as you go, payment due when making a booking – £60 per hour

These can be movement or discussion-based sessions.

Your first appointment can be booked at or following your consultation. 


Block booking

Committing to long-term changes to help you dial down your pain


6 sessions over 3-4 months.

Discounted from £350 to £318

Payable in 3 instalments of £106

These can be movement or discussion-based sessions. 

The first appointment can be booked at or following your consultation.  Future appointments can be booked in advance or session by session.

Feedback from individual sessions

Carolyn Harries

Some of the movements feel like I’m learning them a new, a bit like when a baby learns to walk.  They start off awkward but become smooth and fluid helping me to release tension.

Sheryl Perret

I would highly recommend one-to-one classes with Beth it is a completely enjoyable and positive learning experience. After years of seeing NHS Physio’s and seeking various private treatments, no one has ever been so measured and careful in giving me a manageable program tailored to my injuries and issues.

Not only will Beth demonstrate but she will watch you to ensure you are exercising correctly so you get the most from your practice and don’t do any further injury. An excellent service from a lovely lady. Thank you so much and I look forward to your continued support.

Rosie Seagar

We had a very insightful conversation and tried some simple physical exercises which really helped to illustrate the emotional responses we had talked about.

Karen Brock

The one to one tuition I had with Beth was amazing. I was unlucky enough to have a period of ill health, which left me feeling low, and struggling to move without pain. I approached Beth for help with movement for rehabilitation, and recovery.

Beth was patient, and encouraging. I was a total beginner, but I have really enjoyed my classes, and have made huge improvements in my practice.

I have improved so much, that I recently took part in a walking marathon challenge! I truly believe Beth was instrumental in my recovery. I would recommend anyone struggling with illness, or injury to try sessions with Beth. Thank you Beth, for all your help. ☺

Lorraine Rudd

Sometimes when you talk to someone about deep feelings it can be a draining experience, but I found the opposite with Beth it totally uplifted me.

Other Options

If one to one sessions don’t fit for you right now in terms of investment of time or money then you can still learn ways to dial down your pain.

Check out the resource page if you want to pick up free tips and advice on ways to manage pain.

Join a group movement-based class or
a pain support group.

If you’re self-disciplined you might like to follow a self-guided programme.

Is it time for you to seek practical support?

Do you feel overwhelmed by all the different actions you could take to manage your pain?
Are you fed up with doing loads of research but still not really knowing what to do?

Are you looking for clear practical actions that are tailored to your specific needs?


One-to-one sessions might just be what you’ve been searching for:-

If you are looking for complementary ways to manage pain alongside or instead of medication or surgery.

If you are motivated to make changes but don’t know what would help you the most.

If you’d like a programme that develops as you change, in a way that will support you in making gradual and sustainable progress.

If you know you’re more likely to stick to a plan when you’ve got someone to be by your side, offering encouragement and accountability.

If you feel overwhelmed by the types of therapy available and are looking for guidance on the best approach.

Check my availability for a free consultation

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